Accounts Receivables.






1 hour

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In this course you will learn how to manage financial transactions records for accounts receivables. It will allow you to track how the business is performing on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

You will acquire knowledge on the different payment options the system offers. We will also walk you through the different processes such as manage open credits, discounts and refunds.

By the end of the course, you will be able to manage the accounts receivable process correctly and have the records of the available financial movements within Komet Sales, thus helping you to make business management decisions that ensure the continuous growth of your company.

What you’ll learn

  • Understand the Basic Accounts Receivable Management Workflow within Komet Sales
  • Setup of Payment Terms and Payment Options
  • Receive Payments and Prepayments
  • Manage and apply Customer Open Credits
  • Payment Discounts
  • How to apply a chargeback to a payment
  • How to process a refund
  • Manage Aging and Generate Account Statements
  • How to process a NSF (No Sufficient Funds) for checks
  • How to Receive a Payment with a Credit Card
  • View Available Reports on the Summary Screens

Recommended Skills

  • Have a basic understanding of accounting concepts.
  • Basic knowledge of the floral industry.



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