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Komet to Komet: The Tool to Automate Your Procurement Processes
Originally published Wednesday, Jan 03, 2018
Let’s be honest! The success of your business is based on selling the best product, so a big part of your time is consumed finding the right strategy to achieve better results every single month. Additionally, if your company is growing fast, it will become vital to find the way to sell flowers as quickly as possible, as long as your processes’ efficiency isn’t affected.
You probably want to become a giant in the industry, so your main goal is to have fresh flowers, keeping your warehouse up-to-date and completely supplied – to achieve this, you must connect with as many vendors as you can. But sometimes, the communication with them can be overwhelming and it depends on ineffective processes that slows down the procurement requests. That’s why your company must innovate!
Innovating in the floral industry!
According to the market needs, Komet Sales has created the perfect tool to take your business one step toward the future, developing the ideal integration to automate procurement processes – Think about how beneficial and profitable it could be if your vendor is always aware of your needs, and additionally, is committed to supply them!
Komet to Komet allows you to connect with your vendors, who are also using Komet, so that they can provide the products you request. In a few words, you can create orders based on your needs, and transfer those Purchase Orders from your system to theirs, so those needs can be fulfilled whether the vendor company has the product already available or not!
But that’s not everything! There is another integration you can use to improve your sales. With K2K you can project your inventory onto your customer’s account in real time, allowing you to increase your customers’ network.
Just say yes to the future!
This integration is waiting for you, and it’s really simple to get it all set up. Start by sending an email to your vendors so they can agree to the K2K integration and resend the answer to That’s it! Now you are ready to be part of a whole automation era.